Pirates, they still exist
fixing the root
What is Piracy/Pirates?
Sunday, June 6, 2010 / 4:37 AM

pir•ate |ˈpīrət|

a person who attacks and robs ships at sea.

The word pirate is commonly associated with a person who had a wooden peg-leg, eye patches, owning a large ship with the skull and crossbone flag and a parrot on their shoulder, such as the picture shown below

however today's sea pirates usually are equipped with high tech gadgets, with high-speed boats, cellular phones and more modern assault weapons.  The picture below shows a typical modern sea pirate.

practice of a pirate; robbery or illegal violence at sea.

Maritime Piracy therefore is where armed pirates rob, hijack or attack ships. It is thought that the main incentive for the Somali Pirates is to kidnap the crew for ransom, not to kill. 

This is why it is important to fix the country's economic stability as many are only committing the crime because it's seen as easy money